Capricornia Printmakers Inc


headshot  Michelle Black

Michelle Black is a freelance graphic designer with a passion for printmaking.

2018 saw a major shift in Michelle's work, a result of experimenting with different techniques and materials within printmaking; story-telling from scientific data, extending her work beyond the simple yet bold linoprints that previously dominated her practice.

These experimentations included monoprinting with Fitzroy River mud in a body of work investigating historical flooding in Rockhampton. Further development of this idea saw Michelle using river mud and inter-tidal mud flats to create the printing matrix from which to print in a more traditional manner with ink, and using sea water and sand to make marks in cyanotype prints.

Enjoying a looser and more spontaneous way of working while in this busy time of life as a working parent and business owner, Michelle plans to continue experimenting and playing with alternative printmaking mediums that offer a less rigid way of working whilst exploring interesting bookmaking and 'out of the frame' techniques. Michelle has a strong interest in linking science or data with art; and enjoys responding to the environment, her 'place', travels and family and local history.

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Michelle Black Portfolio Michelle Black Portfolio

After the full moon: Collagraph on cotton paper, 2011 (left); Untitled works: Cyanotype on cotton paper from digitally altered photgraph by William Renton, 2016 (right).

Michelle Black Portfolio Michelle Black Portfolio

13ft. and rising: Artist Book with mud, polyester lithograph, stitch, 2018 (left); 14 ft. 4 in. under: Monoprint with mud, polyester lithograph, indigo, stitch, 2018 (right).

Michelle Black Portfolio Michelle Black Portfolio

Botanica: Artist Book with eco prints, wire, stitch, glass petri dish, 2018 (left); Ferric: Artist Book with rust prints, wire, stitch, glass petri dish, 2018 (right).

Michelle Black Portfolio Michelle Black Portfolio

Fitzroy floating: Artist Books with mud and indigo-Monoprinted Origami Sculpture, 2018 (left); Storm tide: Molulito print on cotton paper, 2018 (right).

Michelle Black Portfolio Michelle Black Portfolio

The lifelines 13ft. and rising The Big One: Monoprinted Origami Sculpture and Artist Books with mud, polyester lithograph, indigo, stitch, 2018 (left); The rescue boats: Artist Books with polyester lithograph, stitch, 2018 (right).

Michelle Black Portfolio Michelle Black Portfolio

Tidelines: Artist Book with rust print, indigo, wire, beach sand, glass jar, 2018 (left); Canopy: Cyanotype on hosho, driftwood, wire, 2019 (right).

Michelle Black Portfolio Michelle Black Portfolio

Experimental cyanotype and salt crystals on cotton paper 2, 2019 (left); Experimental cyanotype and salt crystals on cotton paper, 2019 (right).

Michelle Black Portfolio Michelle Black Portfolio

Outgoing Tide: Cyanotype and salt crystals on cotton paper, 2019 (left); Outgoing Tide Detail: Cyanotype and salt crystals on cotton paper, 2019 (right).

Michelle Black Portfolio Michelle Black Portfolio

Overflow I: Collagraph and drypoint on cotton paper, 2019 (left); Overflow I Detail: Collagraph and drypoint on cotton paper, 2019 (right).

Michelle Black Portfolio Michelle Black Portfolio

Overflow IV: Collagraph and drypoint on cotton paper, 2019 (left); The Longest Flight: Collagraph and drypoint on cotton paper, 2019 (right).

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Information for prospective members | Fb group: CPI Members only.

Capricornia Printmakers Inc | ABN 34 774 997 211   Mail: c/- Sturgess Dental, 10 East Street, Rockhampton Qld 4700. E-Mail: capricorniaprintmakers @ Studio: G-0.8 Walter Reid Cultural Centre, Corner Derby and East Street, Rockhampton. Page last updated 11 January 2023 [lz]