Capricornia Printmakers Inc

2023 Exhibition Head Image

Catalogue | 12th Annual Exhibition "Viva! Magenta"

6 - 15 October 2023 | Walter Reid Gallery and Studio | All works had to be printed on white, cream or black stock and primarily contain only black/white and Pantone Viva Magenta® [2023 Color of the Year] colour | Invitation

Pink Parlour

Viva! Magenta: Revolution

Alys Mendus | 2023 | Lino print on mulberry paper

Inspired by the landscape and my time back in Cumbria in the North of England. This print calls out for change as a piece of inclusive activist art. All printed on an old press in solid Viva! Magenta ink depicting Wind turbines, two adults and a child holding protest banners and a cat.

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The Mulberry Raid

Amanda Lawrence | 2023 | Linoprint

There will be no mulberry pie and no mulberry jam this year –
foiled by marauders once again.

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The one with the floating boy

Belinda McGrath | 2023 | Reduction lino print on hosho, mounted on ply Mixed media assemblage sculptures

Inspired by a moment of my son at play

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The one with the bin chickens

Belinda McGrath | 2023 | Hand coloured lino prints and monoprint

The recent rise of Ibis in popular culture as an icon-in-the-making of the nation and as a totem of the modern Australian city itself. This trend exemplifies an avian-led revisualization of urban spaces, and is notable for its visual appeals to Ibis kitsch, and to working class or 'bogan' sensibilities that assert their place alongside cosmopolitan visions of being Australian.

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Flotsam and Jetsam

Bridie Weaver | 2023 | Hand Printed Linocut, Cyanotype, Papercut

My practice explores the links between narrative and place through mixed media printmaking. Throughout my life I have frequently moved from place to place, leaving me with a strange collection of unconnected memories and images. I am interested in the way that these fragments of my personal experience can take on a life of their own when recombined into a new story.

In 'Flotsam and Jetsam' I have melded imagery from my time as a mountain hiker and tall ship crew member, to reinvent an archetypal scene of shipwrecks and monsters lurking in the deep. Magenta is used in the landscape as a way of signifying the other worldly qualities of my made-up narrative.

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The Kiss Clasp Clutch and Synthetic Crustaceans

Carmel Knowles | 2023 | Hand coloured lino print

The global colour authority has spoken. 'A colour rooted in nature' and 'chosen to provide a sense of natural authenticity in a technological age'. Viva magenta is the current trending colour for designers, manufacturers. The explosion of the colour is evident in the rapid mass production of low cost, poor quality clothing. The reproduction of recent catwalk trends, designed to meet the latest direction in fashion, is having a huge effect on global climate trends. The cost of single wear fashion goes way beyond the price tag.

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African Milktree

Clare Ford | 2023 | Reduction Lino Print

A simple study of the African Milktree Variation 3: Reduction Lino Print with hand colouring (other variations available)

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Amor Vincit Omnia

Hanbing Lu | 2023 | Woodcut

"Amor Vincit Omnia" is a Latin phrase meaning "Love Conquers All." The lush roses blooming in the background symbolise the passion and beauty that love brings to our lives. The intertwining vines and the sharp spikes of the rose symbolise the multifaceted nature of love and its more challenging aspects.

Through the medium of woodcut, I aimed to convey a timeless message: that love, like the enduring art of printmaking, has the ability to conquer all challenges and flourish even in the most difficult circumstances.

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The last memento...

Heather La Bash | 2023 | Paper Lithography

Memories are stored in our minds and in mementos. I found a 1960 plastic Thai tourist souvenir in a Salvation Army second-hand store in the midwestern town of McCook Nebreska, on the last trip to this shop that I ever made with my father before he passed. He was looking for piano sheet music. It is perhaps an odd memento to remember my father by, but it reminds me of that special ordinary day with him.

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Ant Meet Ant

Kate Lacy | 2023 | Linocut

Ants have always fascinated me and I noticed these 'golden spiny ants' regularly congregating by an outdoor hand basin when camping at the Bimblebox Artist's Camp, near Alpha.

What are they communicating to one another? What is their communal world like compared to our very individualistic ones? I would truly love to know!

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Magenta Tide, Parts I & II

Kathryn Kerr | 2023 | Mixed Media

This is the latest in my series that deals with the concept of gravitational pull, grand planetary forces and cause-and-effect The series explores hand-stitching on printed/painted and applied backgrounds.

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Phoenix Spark

Lynn Zelmer | 2023 | A4 Linoprint, acid free paper

There's no shame: admitting that one has a problem is the first step in responding to mental illness.

There is hope: no matter how dim the spark, the Phoenix always rises again.

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The Tiny Houses of Blush

Michele Kershaw | 2023 | Waxed prints on found timber

The original name of magenta was fuchsine as the tint resembles that of the fuchsia plant.

Our family grew up with these as a feature of our garden. The Tiny Houses of Blush are reminiscent of days spent in our country garden.

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Big skies over fragmented landscape

Michelle Black | 2023 | Monotype, intaglio and relief prints on paper, cotton fibres, mounted on art panels

Big skies and sunsets glow orange and magenta over a vast fragmented landscape of cropping, grazing and winding waterways. Life on the Western Downs is dictated by the seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn, wet and dry. Rich, productive black soil plains, ploughed in parallel, fallow or waiting for seed, lie abreast of barley and wheat fields, ripening to gold. Cotton lint on the roadside is all that remains of a sea of fluffy white, now baled into pastel-coloured wrapping. Silvered sorghum stubble stands waiting, slowly decaying, for bright new growth in the late summer.

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Hybrid Viva

Nanette Blachin | 2023 | Screen printed tyvek flowers, artificial plants, wire vase, cloth

"Viva" for me expresses life and good times. The vase of flowers expresses action, quirkiness and a bit of the colour of Carnivale. The hybrid plants dance to their own tune as if they have a life beyond their vase.

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Peacekeeper Guardian

Niloufar Lovegrove | 2023 | Linoprint

The courageous lion, as the ancient symbol in Persian flags and stone carvings, standing proudly to protect the rich land behind, offering a peacemaking flower. He has the strength to fight and he has the heart to settle a lasting peace.

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Queenie's Garden of Delight

Peta Lloyd | 2023 | Monoprints on printmaking, manila folder and rice papers layered with encaustic medium, encapsulated within a timber shadow box frame.
Assemblage: painted and textured plywood, found fence wire, brass wire, brass escutcheon tacks, timber block.

Queenie flies a circuit around the garden, searching for flowers of blue or purple, yellow or orange, or perhaps she will see her favourite colour of magenta. The spring garden is a riot of colours, with rambling beds of borage and lavender, rubbing shoulders with grevillea's of orange and yellow hues, from the corner of her eye she spies the rockery with its Magenta Storksbill (pelargonium rodneyanum) flowers growing amongst the daises…….ahhh, she sighs…'viva magenta' you are the most magnificent colour!

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Studies in Magenta: Chloe and Chelsea

Phillipa Sturgess | 2023 | Lino print

These portraits show two modern young women who are not passive objects to be looked at but who look back at the viewer. The bright colour of magenta provides a highlight on the predominantly dark images.

Thanks to Chelsea Morrigan for original photography

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Viva Earth

Sally North | 2023 | Collagraph Print with Chine Colle on Hahnemuhle Paper Recycled frame.

Long Live Earth.
A dilemma for the human race….

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A Moment in Time

Sambuddhananda Saraswati | 2023 | Collagraph and Serigraph

Find a secluded spot.
Look around for somewhere to sit:
- A mossy trunk or a smooth rock.
Just sit; then wriggle to get comfortable.
Become aware of what is around you:
- a majestic tree
- a cascading water fall.
Just gaze on any object you like.
Take a deep breath in and exhale deeply.
Continue gazing at the object for as long as you are comfortable. Close your eyes and imagine that object in your mind's eye.
Become aware of each inhalation and exhalation.
Continue for as long as you wish. And the leaves fall where they will.

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Full Moon, Magenta Goddess

Yvonne Elton ( Moloney-Law) | 2023 | Ink and Silverleaf Etching Intaglio print Ink on Rag paper

In my artwork," I aim to explore the intricate connection between femininity, nature, and the celestial realm. Inspired by the ethereal beauty portrayed in Banks' iconic piece, "Full Moon" I sought to create a visual representation that invites viewers to reflect upon the power and grace of the divine feminine.

I wanted to capture the moon's mesmerizing radiance and celebrate its role as a luminous guardian of the night sky. The goddess depicted in this piece represents an embodiment of femininity, strength, and wisdom. Her ethereal presence is meant to evoke a feeling of transcendence, guiding viewers toward a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the natural world.

By intertwining themes of nature and spirituality, "Full Moon Goddess" serves as a reminder of the profound connection between humanity and the cosmic forces that shape our existence.

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Information for prospective members | Fb group: CPI Members only.

Capricornia Printmakers Inc | ABN 34 774 997 211   Mail: c/- Sturgess Dental, 10 East Street, Rockhampton Qld 4700. E-Mail: capricorniaprintmakers @ Studio: G-0.8 Walter Reid Cultural Centre, Corner Derby and East Street, Rockhampton. Page last updated 27 June 2024 [lz]