Capricornia Printmakers Inc

CPI Head Image

Christmas Nibbles 2021 | Bite sized printmaking workshops for some pre-Christmas fun!

Linoprinting on Fabric | Linda Douglas | 27 November

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Create your own unique canvas shoulder bag with block printing. This workshop will show you how to create a design and carve it as a printing block. You will then use fabric inks to print the provided fabric shoulder bag with your design. If you would like to bring a different item to be printed, please contact Linda to ensure your item is suitable for printing. (Plus a $10 Material Fee)

Exploring Cyanotype| Carmel Knowles | 30 November

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Experiment with wet and dry Cyanotype techniques to move beyond the traditional blue and white images created by the exposure of treated paper to sunlight. You will be able to try a variety of papers and fabric, hand colouring of the printed work and double exposure of images to create beautiful and unique works. These can be mounted as a free standing artwork or used for wrapping paper and gift tags.

Drypoint Printmaking | Amanda Lawrence | 4 December

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Explore traditional intaglio printmaking using recycled materials found in your own home. This technique presses ink into scratches made on the printing surface resulting in images that resemble line drawings. Bring along a small black and white image no larger than 10cm x 10cm as the basis for your design. You will print a small edition of 5 prints which will be suitable as cards or art prints for gifting.

Linoprint Edition | Phillipa Sturgess | 7 December

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Personalise your correspondence with a set of hand printed greeting cards of your own design. In this workshop you will learn the basics of relief printing -- planning and refining a small design, carving the design onto a lino plate and printing an edition (a set of identical prints) as greeting cards. You may also look at printing a design with more than one colour.

Layered Monoprints | Peta Lloyd | 11 December

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Double the fun -- two ways to monoprint in one workshop! Make unique layered prints using simple hand cut stencil shapes and leaves. Using recycled cardboard packaging you will create 2-3 stencils. Create layered mono prints through repetition printing, overlaying your stencils using acrylic paints and printing inks. To complete the workshop, you will select your favourite prints to be included in your very own concertina book.

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Information for prospective members | Fb group: CPI Members only.

Capricornia Printmakers Inc | ABN 34 774 997 211   Mail: c/- Sturgess Dental, 10 East Street, Rockhampton Qld 4700. E-Mail: capricorniaprintmakers @ Studio: G-0.8 Walter Reid Cultural Centre, Corner Derby and East Street, Rockhampton. Page last updated 23 October 2022 [lz]