Capricornia Printmakers Inc

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February-April 2021 | CPI Workshops: Layered Printmaking and Seductive Collagraph

Layered Printmaking | Saturday 10, 17 and 24 April 2021

Layered Printmaking image

A three-day printmaking workshop with Michelle Black on a journey of layered printmaking inspired by the landscapes in your region.

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Layered Printmaking image

We will be working on creating a range of carborundum and drypoint plates that can be layered using different colours and transparencies. The plates will be made from thin polycarbonate and printing is done intaglio with lots of wiping rather than rolling. Marks will be made with carborundum (grit) mixed into or sprinkled onto acrylic gel medium and glue at various consistencies. The more grit on the plate, the more ink held on the plate. Other plates can be created as drypoint, and scratch marks, roulettes, pinwheels, sandpaper, wire brushes, steel wool etc can be used to make marks in the plate - anything that will rough up the smooth surface and create burrs or interference to hold the ink.

Your images can be abstract or you can paint a picture, creating tonal variations by diluting the medium. We can try an overall screenprint on the plate with the carborundum paste which you can then wipe away to make marks, much like reductive monoprinting. It *should* create a mezzotint style image with lots of deep, rich colour and white where the image has been wiped away rather than burnished as in mezzotints.

The beauty of working on the clear polycarbonate plates is that you can see the layers as you are creating the plates to help you plan them. You could also make many unique prints when you make a collection of plates, each print different due to the combination and orientation of the plates, different colour combinations etc.

The Seductive Collagraph | Saturday 6, 13 & 20 February, 2021

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A three-day printmaking workshop with Peta Lloyd for beginners to intermediate level, designed to take you to the next level in printmaking. Experienced artists are also very welcome to join the fun!

Seductive Collagraph

Seductive Collagraph

In the Seductive Collagraph workshop Peta Lloyd showed eight budding printmakers how you can cut, tear, carve, scratch, brush - so many things - to make collagraph printing plates. So many new things to learn!

Did you know that collagraphy is a printmaking process introduced in 1955 by Glen Alps in which materials are applied to a rigid substrate (such as paperboard or wood)? The word is derived from the Greek word koll or kolla, meaning glue, and graph, meaning the activity of drawing.

With thanks to Arts Queensland and the Rockhampton Regional Council for their support through the Regional Arts Development Fund. The Regional Arts Development Fund is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Rockhampton Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.

Thank you to the Queensland Government and Rockhampton Regional council for their support through the Regional Arts Development Fund for the Layered Printmaking and Seductive Collagraph Workshops. The Regional Arts Development Fund is a partnership between the Queensland Governmentand Rockhampton Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.

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Information for prospective members | Fb group: CPI Members only.

Capricornia Printmakers Inc | ABN 34 774 997 211   Mail: c/- Sturgess Dental, 10 East Street, Rockhampton Qld 4700. E-Mail: capricorniaprintmakers @ Studio: G-0.8 Walter Reid Cultural Centre, Corner Derby and East Street, Rockhampton. Page last updated 18 October 2022 [lz]